Wish You Happy New Year 2013!!!

Speed ​​up boot Windows 7: Remove GUI of boot

PcCool tells you how to speed up the launch of Windows 7 by removing the graphical boot! Discover the steps, reading the rest of the article.

Like the animation of the flag initialization of the Windows 7 PC?

"Sure," think "She's cute!"

But did you know that the animation slows down booting Windows 7: and you, dear Geek love speed, this thing you just can not handle the truth!

How to save precious seconds?

Removing the boot GUI: LinuxTechCrunch and tells you how!

- Go to "Start" and type "msconfig" into the search box;

- Vai on the "Boot Options" and make sure the option "No GUI boot" is checked;

- Apply your changes and restart Windows 7.

In this way the animation will no longer be visible!

It is true, save only 4 seconds, but this, combined with several recommendations that LinuxTechCrunch you have already given in the past, will allow you to make your dear and loved computers a war machine, rapid and destructive!
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Gimp 2.6.12 here is the latest update 2.6 series

The GIMP development team recently released version 2.6.12 eponymous software for image editing. This version, the twelfth to the 2.6 series, it introduces no new features but fixes many bugs and improves the system stability.

This new version introduces as already stated, numerous bug fixes and that specifically relate to importing SVG files, problems with buffer overflows and other small bug that caused many software crashes. Along with these fixes are a large number of updated translations.

According to the plans of developers, this will be the last update to the 2.6 series also given the imminent arrival of the long-awaited version 2.8, the next major release pending for years. Regarding the argument Gimp 2.8, developers have once again postponed the release date in mid-March. The team is focusing on improving this version, it has not been recently released versions of other testing, the last one was in December 2011 and it is the 2.7.4.

We can see all the changes in version 2.6.12 via the file NEWS made available to developers. We can also download the source of this version directly from the page "Download" of Project.
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Released the source code for DooM 3, here's how to install it on Linux

News that will make happy all lovers of free software, John Carmack Technical Director of id Software has finally announced the long-awaited release of source code DooM III indicating:
"... This release does not contain data from the original game because they are covered by the EULA that requires to follow the usual procedure ..."
In the coming months we will then play "freely" in DooM 3 Furthermore, we can find versions revised or new games based on this source.
For those not familiar with DooM III is a first-person shooter released in 2004 by id Software proposing a revolutionary new graphics engine which allows gestire real-time shadows and lighting We can also monitor and provide very detailed graphic panels and interactive interfaces. Through the Multiplayer We challenge our friends online up to a maximum of 4 players.

We can play DooM 3 in our Linux Distribution (Demo version) by simply typing in a terminal:

wget ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/doom3/linux/doom3-linux-1.1.1286-demo.x86.run

and confirm

to start the game type from terminal:
and we will have our DooM 3 started.
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